
I was a hoarder. I didn’t realize that I was a hoarder. I didn’t think that I was a hoarder. I don’t have many things in my house. I don’t have much. I see the plastic storage containers in my basement. I have a lot of those plastic storage containers. They are not filled with anything. I need to see what’s inside of them. I will do that. I will get rid of them. I will get rid of what is left. Then sell my books. It’s all on my kindle. When I am done with it, I will just send it to the cloud. Or give it away, maybe donate it to the library.
I read a book a friend gave me on decluttering. When I read the book, I thought that it was written for me. The author had a lot of things that I had in my house. I had the same books and the same clothes. She had so many clothes. I don’t have that many clothes. She is like a major clothes hound. She’s like me, neat, but I ‘m not that neat.
I can’t keep asking my husband to move out of our bedroom. He puts his pants on the floor– the pants he’s going to wear. They have been in the same place for several months now. He wears them every day. He doesn’t wear socks. I am going to have to learn how to mend clothes. I have never done that. I think I have one little sewing kit in my home office. I have a ton of clothes. I have to do something with them. I could donate clothes and once I learned how to use the sewing machine, I could do that. I would love to get rid of those pants. I don’t want to wash clothes. I don’t have enough time to wash clothes. I want to just pile them on the floor. My husband has to do laundry.
He won’t do it. He won’t do it because he is too lazy. I think he is lazy. I have to figure out what I am going to do with my husband.I know that I love him. We have a good relationship. We have a great relationship. He has to do his part. I have to do mine. I can’t do this on my own. I need him. I fell like I am always cleaning up after him. I would like to have a house that doesn’t look like a tornado ripped through it. I would like to have a clean house. I have to stop the panic and I have to stop the worry and I have to trust that God is in charge. So, I am going to do that. I am going to do whatever it takes to get my house clean. I also have to use my heart. I have to use the things that are good. I have to see the bad things as educational. I have to look at the bad times as a time of self-discovery. That is how I am going to get through this.