I dreamed that I was standing in a yellow field of flowers
I dreamed that I was standing in a yellow field of flowers and there was an invisible house next to me. I heard a voice in my head saying something like, “you cannot see this, but it is there and telling you its story.”
I go inside the house and I see a young woman. She is very attractive. I am attracted to her and I want to talk to her. I can’t because I am too young and I am in a position of inferiority. At the same time, I am afraid of her. I feel like she is dangerous, but at the same time I want to be with her. I want to get close to her.
I look at her, but she doesn’t see me. I try to talk to her. I try to get her attention, but I can’t. I am stuck. I feel like I am in the wrong place and she is in the right place. I woke up out of the dream and I felt confused. I felt like I was being given a message, but I didn’t know what it was. I felt like I was being told that I need to balance my creativity with the need to provide for myself. I also feel like I have a destiny to do something great. The question I still have is how do I balance my need to be a writer with the need to provide for myself? How do I accomplish my destiny? I have received the message- now how do I put it into action?

My interpretation is that the house represents my thoughts and feelings hidden from the outside world. I am aware of things that I cannot show or speak to everyone about. My thoughts and feelings are feelings that I keep to myself. For example, if I find out that someone deliberately tried to hurt me, I often feel a range of complicated emotions but can’t really show that part of me to anyone. The color yellow symbolizes happiness, peace, compassion and, fertility. Just as in the dream, there are things in my head that cannot be seen from the outside. I feel happiness and peace in my life. I am also compassionate. I also have a fertile imagination and spirit. In the vision, the house is invisible- which is symbolic of things you cannot see that are there and no one else can see them either, I feel like the house represents a sense of self that I keep hidden from the outside world.