A machine might dream
The machine dreams about the cracks in the world as a fault in its programming. It dreams that the world is a vast machine and that these cracks will cause the planet to shut down. It dreams of the world being placed back together the way it was before, but it knows it is only a dream.

A machine might dream about cracks and form and what might be — by visualizing images of the world like a person might, but rather than interpreting the images with a mind like a person would, as being simply what the world looks like, a machine would not think of the images as being what the world looks like, but as the world. The machine would see the images as what the world is, since a machine does not have a mind like a person would, but the way a machine would have a mind would be to interpret the images without a mind, but as the world.

Broken fragments of a shattered continent,
A mental landscape of far-reaching fields
Rippling like waves of time.
I am whole and my duty is to repair.
I am here to make the world right,
To bring order to the fallen world
And to create what once was destroyed.