Why artificial intelligence doesn’t need to go to art school but humans do
Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more popular and it’s being used in many aspects of society and culture. One of the most popular uses of AI is in the arts. AI has become so good at creating art and music that many people believe that soon, there will be no need for humans when it comes to these tasks. Many people are afraid that soon, computers will take over the world-becoming smarter than human beings-and we’ll exist as slaves who must serve them. The future of AI looks bright, but for humans, not so much because they fear everything going digital might be a threat to their jobs. Humans have a need to feel like they are needed and that they are the only one who can do what they do; with AI entering the market you may find yourself out of a job in no time! There could be some benefits though: if society embraces artificial intelligence rather than shuns it, then we all might just benefit from its potential usefulness.
Humans should stop fearing AI because art was never meant for humans anyways; even back when cavemen were painting on walls or carving on rocks throughout history up until now, humans have created artistic pieces without any input from other species from Earth . With all these new technologies integrating into our lives, there isn’t really room for failure as every day brings about changes which may or may not work out in your favor or against you depending on how you look at it. Some change is inevitable whether we want it to happen or not-or like right now where technology is advancing at an alarming rate-so why worry?

Humans have a need to feel like they are needed and that they are the only one who can do what they do.
Don’t worry about the world changing because this change was inevitable anyways; instead embrace it because there are always going to be benefits which can help us advance even further as opposed to standing still in such unimportant matters and forgetting about all those positives which increase quality of life such as better health care and transportation systems thanks to these innovations .